Canadian Insurance Blog
Applying For Life Insurance in Canada
Why Is Life Insurance Important? Life insurance is an important part of every Canadian's financial security. Life insurance will ensure that your survivors are not encumbered with your debt, as well as providing them the finances that will enable them to live without...
Wealth Management: Keeping your Family Cottage
This article specifically discusses wealth management from the perspective of cottage owners, especially those who want to keep a cottage in the family. What You Need To Know About Cottages When you pass away assets transferred to your children can result in a capital...
Group Life Insurance: Is It Enough?
Employee Benefits and Life Insurance Along with group health insurance, group life insurance is a common benefit that you may receive from your employer. However, it is important to thoroughly investigate whether this coverage is going to be sufficient for your life...
Right Time to Buy Life Insurance in Canada?
No, You're Not Too Young Life insurance is not a topic that people want to think about. Everyone would ideally like to put off this issue for "another year", "when I’m older and need it", or "when I get around to it." The Ideal Time For Coverage However, the ideal...
Life Insurance for Canadian College and University Students
Parents across Canada will be sending their children off to college or university in a few short weeks. For many, this will be the first time their child is leaving home. When considering what your child needs before they leave home, you may want to consider buying...
Canadian Key Person Insurance
Many Canadian small businesses rely heavily on one person. This is a person who is instrumental to the success of the business and would be difficult to replace, at least for the short-term. Examples of key people are managers, directors, and in some cases IT people...
Sleep Apnea and Life Insurance
Welcome to our latest blog article about sleep apnea and its effects on a life insurance application. What is Sleep Apnea? Sleep apnea is a medical disorder whereby breathing either stops or becomes very shallow while sleeping. These breathing pauses can be a couple...
Life Insurance For “Non-Working” Spouses
Generally, when people think of life insurance, they think of insuring the potential income that will be lost when that individual passes away. However, serious consideration must be given not only to lost income, but the amount of money it will cost to maintain the...
Group Insurance and Employee Benefits: Understanding the Funding Methods
Many Canadians receive group insurance, otherwise known as employee benefits, from their employer. These plans usually include some form of health and/or life insurance coverage. Group insurance comes in different funding formats. Employers can choose from different...
Alcohol and Life Insurance?
Most people in our modern-day society like to drink alcohol from time to time. Many of us enjoy a glass of wine, a cold beer or even one of the harder drinks (pink umbrellas optional) when we are winding down after a long day. But how does alcohol consumption affect a...
Life Insurance for Canadian Women
In the past 50 years, the role of women in Canadian society has greatly changed. As well as continuing to be wives and/or mothers, women play a vital role in the Canadian business sector. Women also play a major role in the earning of the family finances, with either...
Crazy Life Insurance Fraud: The Non-Existent Insured
Welcome to another story about hard-to-believe life insurance fraud attempts. Defrauding life insurance companies is a crime, and the consequences when caught are not pleasant. However, it is truly amazing what people will concoct when trying to get rich quick. Human...