
Conversion Health & Dental Insurance Plans

Conversion Health Insurance

Have you recently lost your employee benefits coverage? Consider a guaranteed issue conversion health insurance plan (such as Manulife FollowMe™) and protect yourself from unexpected medical, dental and vision expenses!

As experienced, licensed Canadian insurance brokers it is our mission to find you a conversion health insurance plan that best suits your particular situation.

Have you recently lost your employee benefits coverage? Not to worry! You automatically qualify for a group conversion plan with no medical questions asked as long you apply for coverage within 90 days of losing your group benefits. Acceptance is guaranteed. Protect yourself and your family with guaranteed issue health, dental and vision care benefits.

Conversion health insurance such as Manulife’s FollowMe™ health and dental plans are specially designed for people who have recently lost their benefits offered through their employer. Acceptance is guaranteed, with no no medical questions asked.

You can choose from one of several plans that offer differing levels of coverage (travel medical insurance is also available as an add-on).

Conversion Health Insurance

FollowMe Travel Add-On

For a small additional monthly premium you can get up to $5 million in travel medical insurance coverage. If you’re interested in this travel option please contact us, or indicate this when requesting a conversion insurance quote.

Conversion Health Insurance

FollowMe Coverage Summary

For a convenient summary of FollowMe™ coverage (e.g. prescription drugs, dental care, vision care, hospital benefits, home care, psychologists, nursing, etc.) please click here.

Conversion Health Insurance

FollowMe Coverage Details

To see a detailed breakdown of coverage that is offered by all 4 FollowMe™ plans (Basic, Enhanced, Enhanced Plus and Premiere) please click here for a plan comparison chart.


When should I apply or a conversion health insurance plan?

It is extremely important that you apply for a conversion health and dental plan shortly after losing your group insurance coverage. With Manulife FollowMe plans you must apply for coverage within 90 days of losing your group benefits, otherwise you do not qualify for guaranteed coverage.

What if I didn't apply soon enough and don't qualify for coverage?

If you don’t apply with 90 days of losing your benefits then you do not qualify for a Follow Me group conversion health insurance plan. However, you can still apply for a medically underwritten health plan, or alternatively, you can also apply for standard, guaranteed issue health insurance. When in doubt please contact us.

Are there different levels of coverage with Manulife Follow Me plans?

Manulife Follow Me has 4 different levels of coverage (that correspond to the following plans with increasing coverage levels): FollowMe Basic, FollowMe Enhanced, FollowMe Enhanced Plus and FollowMe Premiere. For further information click here.

™ FollowMe is a trademark of The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company.

Baker & Baker always answers my calls promptly. I am semi-retired and travel frequently. Craig makes it easy or me to go away with peace of mind.

Craig has made the seemingly daunting experience of purchasing term life insurance easy by carefully walking me through the process Craig has also helped me discover how much I needed to protect my family.

Craig has been a great asset in assisting me navigating the Canadian benefits universe, which is quite different than the US. Craig’s knowledge of the Canadian healthcare plans, and his insights as to the plan design and options have been a great addition to our Canadian Team.

Craig Baker has been our broker ever since we started with benefits over 10 years ago. He has always been there to help us save money on premiums, assist with claims and answer any questions from my team.