February 1, 2019 | Life Insurance
This blog article compares and contrasts term life insurance with whole life insurance plans. We finish the article by suggesting several situations where one type of life insurance is better suited than the other. Life Insurance Basics The primary purpose of life...
January 1, 2019 | Life Insurance
One type of life insurance that many people do not consider is joint life insurance. With a joint life insurance policy, there are two or more insured people on one plan instead of just one insured person. There are several main types of joint life plans: “joint...
December 1, 2018 | Life Insurance
Climbing is an activity that many people enjoy. Rock climbing is very common and can even be done indoors. Ice climbing involves scaling large ice walls instead of rocks. The ultimate challenge is mountain climbing, which has unique risks due to the very high...
November 1, 2018 | Life Insurance
Driving is something that most of us do every day. Whether it is driving to and fro from work, going out to pick up some groceries, or driving as an occupation, it is a privilege that we often take for granted. However, what many people don’t realize is that our...